About the project

The scope of the project consists of adaptation and mitigation activities for the urban space of Grodzisk Mazowiecki, which will allow the commune to better adapt to climate change. It is financed 85% by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program, of which 85% of support comes from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) and 15% from the state budget of Poland.

Realizacja zadania poprzez:

  • development of green-blue infrastructure (via replacing the current paved surface with water permeable one, creating a retention reservoir, planting combined with irrigation systems, strengthening biodiversity by creating flower meadows and places for insect development),

  • educational and information activities aimed at increasing the ecological awareness of the society (activation of residents through participation in workshops, lectures, competitions, and courses).

The project aims to increase the resilience of Grodzisk Mazowiecki to negative phenomena resulting from climate change and to adapt urban space and community to these changes.

Kluczowe działania w ramach projektu:

  1. Greening effect and increase of water retention at Plac Wolności

  2. Support for biodiversity - a canteen for insects in the Skarbek Park

  3. Planting greenery at Zondka Street

  4. Greening effect and support for biodiversity and water retention – at a square at the intersection of E. Orzeszkowa Street and 3rd of May Street.

  5. Greenery landscaping for ecological education - the creation of ecological gardens at eleven schools

  6. Creation of a green area - a garden by the Pavilion of Culture at Westfala Street

  7. Educational and information activities - campaigns in traditional media and on the Internet.

  8. Educational and information activities: activities stimulating the community.

  9. Education and information activities: education and knowledge transfer in the form of profiled education

  10. Partnership cooperation – a partnership agreement with Norwegian entity - INTBAU NORWAY, was signed. The partnership will translate into a strengthening of people's awareness of the problem of climate change and will facilitate international activities to mitigate the effects of climate change in urban space.

Plac Wolności po rewitalizacji

In August, most of the works were completed and Plac Wolności gained a new, green face. As part of the revitalization, the following works were carried out:

- installation of retention tanks, that are to retain water and can also be used to irrigate trees and other plants growing here,

- creation of basins as elements of ecological rainwater management system – to increase biodiversity air purifying plants were planted,


- a fountain was built, which creates a friendly microclimate for people walking and resting on nearby benches.

Edukacja w szkołach

Przez ostatnie miesiące roku szkolnego odbył się pierwszy etap działań wzbogacających zajęcia edukacyjne w szkołach, który zrealizowano w ramach projektu pn. „Inwestycje w zakresie zielono-niebieskiej infrastruktury w Grodzisku Mazowieckim”. Celem prelekcji, warsztatów i konkursów w placówkach oświatowych był wzrost świadomości ekologicznej uczniów. Od września 2022 r. do końca czerwca 2023 r. będą realizowane kolejne działania.

The Norway Grants and the EEA Grants represent Norway's contribution to creating a green, competitive, and inclusive Europe. Under the Norwegian and EEA funds, Norway contributes to the reduction of social and economic inequalities and strengthens bilateral relations with beneficiary countries from Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea area. Norway works closely with the EU under the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with other donors, Norway provided €3.3 billion through successive programs of funds between 1994 and 2014. The Norway Grants are funded exclusively by Norway and are available in countries that joined the EU after 2003. The Norway Grants for 2014-2021 amount to €1.25 billion.

The priorities for this period are

#1 innovation, research, education, competitiveness, and decent work;

#2 social inclusion, youth employment, and poverty reduction;

#3 environment, energy, climate change, and low carbon economy;

#4 culture, civil society, good governance, and fundamental rights;

#5 justice and home affairs.

Co-finance from the state budget



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księgowa projektu
