During renovation works at Plac Wolności in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, a boulder from a pre-war monument was found. As it turns out, it is the basis of the original Freedom Monument.

The boulder returned to its original place after conservation work, and its history is presented by Łukasz Nowacki, a historian from Grodzisk. The obelisk with the date 1918 and a quote from the works of A. Mickiewicz was built on the market square in Grodzisk on the first anniversary of regaining independence, becoming the place of municipal celebrations. On September 1, 1939, the monument was destroyed during the bombardment of the city by the German air force. In 1984, a replica of the monument was created, based on pre-war photographs. The location of the monument, also changed as it was moved opposite the so-called Places of Execution.

During the works related to the revitalization of pl. Wolności, the excavator operator came across a boulder, which turned out to be a fragment of the original monument. Today, the stone subjected to conservation treatment was deposited in the place of its original location – nearby tenement house number 14.

Kamienica przy pl. Wolności 14 została wzniesiona w pierwszej dekadzie XX wieku w zachodniej pierzei ówczesnego Rynku. W latach 30. XX w., gdy plac nosił imię Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, dom był własnością małżeństwa Kazimiery i Stanisława Włodków. Wówczas w kamienicy znajdTenement house at pl. Wolności 14 was built in the first decade of the 20th century in the western frontage of the then Market Square. In the 1930s, when the square was named after Marshal Józef Piłsudski, the house was owned by Kazimiera and Stanisław Włodek. At that time, in the tenement house, there was a pharmacy run by the Włodeks family – well-known Grodzisk pharmacists. In November 1943, an execution by the German occupiers of 20 Poles, prisoners of Pawiak, took place against the wall of the tenement house – to this day the wall surrounding the so-called Execution Site shows bullet marks. In the last years of World War II, the daughter of Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Maria, worked in the Włodeks pharmacy. – she later was a writer and columnist, and for many years the editor of the „Czytelnik” publishing house, from August 1944 married Stanisław Włodek, son of Kazimiera and Stanisław.
In the post-war period, up to the present day, various shops and workshops found their place in the tenement house.